Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 4 A Small Miracle

Day 4:  After a long weekend, no sleep, and tons of hours in the car, it's a wonder I am even on my feet today.  But my tender mercy came in a way I wouldn't have expected.  I LOVE to craft and sew.  In our home I have my "own" room.  I don't share it with anyone or anything...ok, except a few buckets of food storage and my kids art supplies.  I have yards and yards of fabric, dressers and shelves full of crafting supplies, and totes full of patterns.  Did I mention I love to craft and sew?  Something about being thrifty...and I keep thinking back on a quote I heard President Gordon B. Hinckley say.  Paraphrasing, of course, " I wish every young woman knew how to use a sewing machine.  Then as the world's fashion gets farther and farther from modest, you will still be able to have clothes."  Well, I took it to heart.  And...Thank you MOM!  As any crafter will know, this room is usually a MESS!  And it sure dampens the creative juices.  Today I had the energy (and motivation...which is rare) to tidy up my messes in this room and organize my children's activities and supplies.  No, I am not going to post pictures of what it looks like now and how I did it (besides, it won't look like that in a week...and either does anybody elses.  They always post right after the project.  Not six months-or six days in my case- later when it looks just as trashed as it did when they started.)  When I was done I felt as if a dark cloud had lifted off that part of my home and my creative juices were running so fast I needed a pitcher to catch them in.  Maybe this seems like an odd gift from God, but in my world things like this are small miracles.  So, thank you Heavenly Father for helping me accomplish something big in a little time.

What did the Lord help you do today?

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