Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 5 Movie Moments

Day 5:  In an effort to get my darling 6 year old's music ability headed in the right direction, we started violin lessons.  Yep, her and I together...well...kind of.  Our backyard neighbor plays and we have been trading piano for violin.  My dream has always been to learn to fiddle.  So, though I don't play at the lessons, I listen very closely, then my daughter and I practice together.  Kind of a fun mother-daughter bonding time.  Well, this little darling is still struggling to stay focused for more than like 5 seconds so sometimes this is really a challenge-let's not talk about homework.  Today, our violin time was like a movie moment.  You know those times when you have just the right music on in the background and everything is picture perfect and you think "this came right out of a movie".  Well, WE were the music background and it really did feel like it came out of a movie.  What a pleasure!  I love sharing my love of music with her!  She has such a natural talent.  I hope I can stick it out during those horror film movie moments long enough for her to learn how to play this thing!

You know those times as a mother when you can't find a quiet room anywhere in the house and you really need to make some phone calls?  Does anyone else put things off because keeping the kids quiet enough to call the dentist is just too overwhelming?  Well, I confess, I have put things such as this off all summer.  Now my guilt (yep I said the g word) is eating me up and it's time to get some of these appointments taken care of.  The kids were playing so well (after all we started with a movie moment) that I left them upstairs and retreated to the basement with the cell phone and the laptop.  After the first half hour of serenity (well, as serene as you can feel making dentist appointments)  I started to wonder what was going on upstairs.  You know, when it's too quiet.  I found the little darling playing school and teaching 2 year old sister how to color.  How sweet-yep, another movie moment.  I guess I'll head back downstairs and take care of a few other things I have been putting off.  Another 30 minutes later I came back upstairs to find that now that 2 year old sister knows how to cut...and paste...and color with markers.  Um, didn't you even remotely wonder if gluing things to the piano bench was a bad idea?  In all the chaos, I am still thankful that the Lord gave me a few minutes to take some really important things off my plate. gone!

When was your last movie moment?

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